Work > MedicComs

The team at MedicComs came to us with an idea that was a first of its kind in the Healthcare sector. The senior team at MedicComs have spent most of their working life in various aspects of the healthcare system from hospitals to GP’s, pharmacies and much more. During this time, they have seen first-hand the issues that come up daily with things like patient prescriptions, appointment information and patient notes to name a few.

In England alone 237+ million medication errors are made every year. With this in mind, MedicComs wanted to develop a mobile app, desktop app and administration portal that would help transform communication and patient care across the healthcare sector. MedicComs wanted to develop an app that was easy to use, secure and fully auditable to help practitioners communicate and problem solve in a much quicker and more efficient way. MedicComs also needed an experienced team who fully understood the best ways to securely host and maintain the sensitive information that would be transferred via this software solution.


MedicComs wanted to design and develop a secure messaging and case management app that could be used by individuals in the healthcare sector to resolve any patient related problems quickly and efficiently. It was also vitally important that app was compatible with both phone and desktop to ensure it fully meet the needs of the typical user base.

Traditionally, when issues with prescriptions or patient notes arise a lengthy phone call would ensue to try and contact the correct person to then try and come to a resolution. To help speed up this process MedicComs wanted to provide an app that would allow practitioners to direct message one on one or open cases and assign them to the relevant people in their partner organisation.

To facilitate this workflow, we also had to design and build an administration portal for the team at MedicComs that would allow them to manage organisations, members, cases, and messaging functionality. The admin portal also has varying levels of access that allows

“Hip Hip Horray! For Scaffold - thank you Tim, Sarah-Jane and the team. Over to us now - I cannot wait to start the demos. I think it will be a big hit and it was a real team effort. We are very happy.”

Charles & Liz Ensor / Managing Director MedicComs


We have developed an app for iOS and Android that is compatible with smartphone and tablet. People living with dementia and their carers can register for account, upload media and add notes/voice recordings to their media.

MedicComs now have a secure messaging app for iOS and Android that scales appropriately to phone and tablet. They also have a web version of the secure messaging app that can be accessed by desktop users, alongside a self-service administration portal. MedicComs can offer clinicians a secure messaging app that will allow them to reduce the amount of time taken to resolve issues with prescriptions, appointments and much more. Users can login to the mobile app and direct message people within their organisation or partner organisations, they can open cases and track their progress within the app as well as having a fully auditable information base of all issues within the organisation.

MedicComs can use their administration portal to set up organisations and members who can then gain access to valuable and fully auditable information of conversations and cases that have been created in the mobile and desktop app. Ultimately, the new MedicComs platform will help practitioners to resolve issues more quickly and efficiently.

We build custom software to empower business success.